- http://www.glogster.com ("poster yourself")
- http://www.whenisgood.net (pass around the calendar to see when is good for a meeting)
- http://www.groupcard.com (pass around a card for all to sign, then print and deliver!)
- http://www.elgg.org (social environment)
- http://www.wordle.net (great to find trends in web pages or papers)
- http://www.chalksite.com (central point for communication and notes for teachers)
- http://www.jotspot.com (wiki for sharing of documents, etc)
- http://www.thegroupvine.com (great way for classes/clubs to stay up to date)
- http://www.e-tutor.com/et2/graphing/ (graphing calculator)
- http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/ (online graph creater)
- http://www.calcoolate.com/ (online calculator)
- http://notemesh.com (shares and combines notes into a unified version)
- http://www.diigo.com/ (online bookmarking website, can highlight pages and share)
- http://delicious.com/ (online bookmarking website, social network for sharing)
- http://ottobib.com/ (bibliography help)
- http://www.newsvine.com/ (news source for students)
- http://www.youtube.com (search engine for videos)
- http://fickr.com (upload and share photos)
- http://www.eyespot.com (create video mixes and share)
- http://video.google.com (search engine for videos)
Obviously this is not every Web 2.0 tool - just fun ones that I've found so far. I'll keep updating as I go. Feel free to let me know of new ones you find. And, now apparently, researching Web 2.0 is on the out and researching Web 3.0 is on the in. I'm going to finish Web 2.0 first before I move into the new uncharted territory.